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Most of our seeds are provided by a generous annual donations from the Herman's Garden Program at Seed Saver's Exchange, High Mowing, Sow Right Seeds, Peaceful Valley, and Baker Creek. You may also find seeds saved and donated by community members! Not all seeds shown here may be available in the free seed library, others may be available that are not listed. The alphabetical growing guide is intended to give very general cultivation advice for plant types. Patrons can check the supplier's websites for growing tips, or check the library catalog for gardening books!

Gardening, like life, always carries with it an element of uncertainty. We cannot guarantee germination or varietal purity, but we do chat with all our community members when accepting donations to encourage best practices. Through trial, error, and sharing knowledge, we continue the millennia-long tradition of seed saving!

Peoria Heights Public Library Community Seed Library logo

Growing Guide

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